Potato bake recipe ? Some of you might think, is this a recipe? I would say “YES”. Baking a potato at right temperature and right flavor is the key here. Potato bake recipe with cream and cheese is one of the delicious recipes if you like bake potatoes. It is very easy to make. Although it’s take some time to bake, it’s worth the wait.
I remember when I was a scouts, we use to go camping to the jungles and set fire and bake potatoes. We didn’t have aluminum foils so we use mud/clay to cover the potato and through them to the fire. I can’t remember exactly how it’s taste but more than the food what we enjoy the most is the experience and the girl’s chats. Every time I bake the potatoes, It’s remind me my past and some time I feel like I missed something. (most likely my friends).

What is a good potato for baking?
One of the most common question that we all have in mind is what is the best potato for baking? For me, I don’t really mind. As fare as the potato is big and right shape for my potato bake recipe, I am happy. But definitely not the red potatoes. Actually I don’t even know the name or the type of the potato I used for this recipe, While i am writing this blog post, I quickly ran into my kitchen and check the potato package, It’s says “Melody”. I have included a link here for you to read more about the good potato for baking.
What temperature should a baked potato be cooked at?
Most of the potatoes are bake well around 1 hour at 400°F / 204°C. Again it’s all depends what type of potato you used. Some potatoes bakes faster than the others. Don’t worry if you doing this for the first time, try to bake the potato about 1 hour at 400°F and see. If it doesn’t work, change the temperature or time (+ or -). Remember cooking is all about experience. DO IT YOUR WAY until you get it right.

Should you poke holes in potatoes before baking?
“YES” its always good practice to poke holes on them. Potato is full of water. Holes allow the steam to escape, If steam build up inside, they could explode. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens every once in a while.
Potato Bake Recipe

Potato Bake Recipe with Cream and Cheese
- 2 large Potatoes
- 1 tsp Rosemary chopped
- ½ tsp Black Pepper freshly ground
- Salt to taste
- Lemon zest to taste
- 2 tbsp Cheese Cream
- 1 tbsp Goat Cheese
- 1 stem Spring Onion chopped
- 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
- 1 tbsp Butter
For the Coating
- Chopped the rosemary and put them into a small bowl or plate. Now add some salt and pepper and scrape some lemon zest and mix all together.
- Place the potatoes in a baking tray and pour olive oil on them and rub the oil all over the potatoes.
- Now poke some hole on the potatoes using a fork.
- Apply the mix all over the potatoes.
- Now place the potatoes in a baking tray and bake for 1 hour @ 400°F
Making the Cream Cheese
- Put cheese cream and goat cheese into a bowl.
- Now add spring onions, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper and mix all together
- After baking the potatoes cut it from the top and open. (Don't cut it to 2 half)
- Now put butter and cream mix inside the opened potato and sprinkle some spring onion on the top to give that extra touch.